Efficient Work Flow for Bodice Fitting – The Complete PDF

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I had several requests to combine this series into one PDF… Here you go!  The complete PDF – Efficient Work Flow for Bodice Fitting


I had several requests to combine this series into one PDF… Here you go!  Efficient Work Flow for Bodice Fitting – The complete PDF

Part 1:  The Blue Zone:  Shoulders, Neck & Upper Back

I’m taking a page from my pants fitting process to fit tops.  First adjust the pattern with some body specific adjustments to customize it to your shape and add extra allowances at the shoulders.  Tops hang from the body at the shoulders, so it makes good sense to start at the top of the pattern and work down.  This guide walks you through the process of fitting the shoulders, neck and upper back.

In addition to sharing the order of adjustments, I included illustrations showing you what to look for when you’re trying to determine if you need to adjust the shoulders for things like a forward shoulder ball.   Once you’ve adjusted the top of the pattern pieces to agree with your unique body, you can cut out your fit muslin and fine tune the fit there…and see what else needs to be adjusted based on how the muslin fits!

Part 2:  The Pink Zone:  Armhole depth, Position & Ease of Bust Dart, Waistline and Hem

Part 2 starts with:  Tips for fitting the Blue Zone, Prepping your Pattern Pieces for a Half Muslin and using a “fitting tank” to make working with a half muslin while solo fitting.  Then evaluate the fit of the half muslin and see how to fine-tune the adjustment you made in the Blue Zone.

When you’re happy with the fit of the Blue Zone, it’s time to adjust the Pink Zone.  We’ll start at the top with the depth of the armhole.  Below that is the position and ease of the bust dart, position of the waistline and hem.   I’ll also show you how to adjust your waist darts and true them up after making adjustments withing the pattern.

Finish up by adding ease and adding body specific adjustments if you need them.   This PDF will get your ready to start working on your sleeves.

Part 3:  Efficient Work Flow for Bodice Fitting

We have finally made it to the Sleeve!   Before you start fitting the sleeve double check to make sure the bodice fits well.   Working the Blue and Pink Zones starting at the top of the pattern pieces, the armhole was adjusted to agree with your body measurements.   To make efficient work of fitting the sleeve, start by walking the sleeve along the armhole to see how much ease the sleeve cap has.   If you need to add ease, start by adjusting the height of the sleeve cap first.   This will make the sleeve cap agree with your body measurement & your adjusted armhole.  From there you can fine-tune the ease in the cap and make an adjustment to shift the ease backward if you have a forward ball of your shoulder.

This guide included links and QR-Codes to video tutorials to show you how to do each adjustment step-by-step so you won’t have to hunt around my YT Channel to find the tutorial you are looking for!

NEW – Zoom Class – Efficient Work Flow for Bodice Fitting – June 1, 8 &  15th