Efficient Work Flow For Pants Fitting
April 7th, 2025
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm edt.
Are you trying to make pants that fit, but you’re caught in a circle of making adjustments? Or, maybe you’re thinking about making pants that fit, but you’re not sure how to get started. During this lecture/demo I will share how to streamline the process!
Pick the Right Pants Pattern and Starting Size
It’s easier to fit pants if they are the style you want to make!! We’ll start out by talking about how to pick out a pants pattern to work with. Then see how to pick out the best starting size.
Customize the Pattern Pieces to Agree with Your Figure Before You Start Fitting
After tracing the pattern pieces, discover if there are body specific adjustments that will simplify the fitting process by customizing the pattern to your shape. I’ll show you how to look in the mirror to identify curves and shapes that you can accommodate with a fit adjustment before cutting out your fit muslin.
See How You Can Streamline Your Fitting Process
There is a lot of information printed on the pattern pieces, I’ll show you which markings are important to transfer to your traced pattern. To prepare for cutting out your fit muslin, we’re going to add to the edges and make a separate pants fitting waistband. After cutting out the pieces to make your muslin we will follow the basic framework of Top Down Center Out as described by R. Collins in Threads Magazine Issue #218 with a couple of added things. I’ll explain all the benefits of working with a single leg muslin and separate pants fitting waistband.
From there, see why it’s important to transfer the adjustments from your fit muslin to your paper pattern as you work along. After the single leg muslin is balanced, it’s time to cut out the second leg and make a two leg muslin. See how to use this muslin to fine-tune the fit and position of the crotch without messing up the drape of the leg.
You’ll leave this lecture/slide show with a step-by-step checklist to streamline your pants fitting adventure!
Zoom Class Information
This class is going to be recorded and you will have unlimited access to the recording.
Zoom Invite is included in a PDF that downloads when you register.
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